My New Year's Resolution

I'm setting a big goal for 2024, and here's how I plan to reach it.

Happy New Year!

I’m not big on New Year's resolutions, but I did kick off a big one last week: launching a side project that makes $10K monthly recurring revenue.

There have been several different versions of this challenge over the years, but I’m excited to try my hand at it, as it’s something I’ve wanted to attempt for many years.

The first step is usually the most difficult: finding a problem to solve.

For me, this was actually quite simple (although I realize it may evolve).

Like anyone who runs a business, I want more customers. I also want them for cheap (or free!). And now I'm starting to get them. Here's how:

Organic search is the #1 referring traffic source for Poppylist, but we've never spent time optimizing it.

Over the past month, I've been following The Boring Marketer’s (genius name) free SEO crash course, and we're already seeing fantastic results in our traffic growth.

While doing so, I've uncovered a number of challenges the average busy founder is likely unaware of and is severely handicapping their SEO results.

So, the first product for my $10K challenge is a simple tool that will make finding and capitalizing on SEO opportunities much easier.

Like any good founder, I had to first come up with a name (and mascot), so if you’re interested in getting on the early access list for a tool that makes SEO simple, meet RankingKoala 🐨.

I’m excited to chronicle my progress weekly in this newsletter. This week, I plan on actually starting to build the app.

Talk to you next week!

P.S. If you have a friend who you think might be interested in following my journey, they can subscribe here: