Looking for SEO beta testers

Get free SEO insights for your startup!

Earlier this month, I started the $10K MRR Challenge.

Since then, I’ve been diligently working on finalizing and building the core features of the MVP for my SEO tool, RankingKoala.

The MVP of RankingKoala enables anyone with a Google Search Console account to connect and receive immediate, easy-to-digest insights and recommendations to enhance their SEO efforts. I’ve started using it with Poppylist, and our SEO traffic has soared in the last couple of months.

Quick side note: If you haven’t set up Google Search Console for your startup yet, stop reading this email and go do it now! It's completely free and is the key to ensuring your SEO efforts pay off.

I’m currently on the lookout for beta testers to trial the MVP. Interested in free SEO insights for your startup? Sign up for my waiting list below (or simply reply to this email).

RankingKoalaSimplifying SEO with actionable, bite-sized tips

I'm also eager to understand the challenges founders face with SEO. Regardless of how much time you've invested in SEO, I’d love to hear what's preventing you from fully leveraging this channel. Share any thoughts by replying to this email!

Talk soon,

P.S. Know someone trying to build and grow a startup? Please forward this email to them! 🙏🏾

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